Jared turned eight today! He is so excited to get baptized. We love having birthdays because as parents Matt and I reflect on what makes the birthday child special to us and to our family. Jared has a great sense of humor. He is an awesome Lego builder. He is a little paranoid which makes us laugh, and is always worried that something is poisonous. He is a bit of a tease and sometimes teases to the point of a fight. Obviously, he is still learning about boundaries and respect for others feelings. He will eat anything covered in chocolate. He is a very thoughtful boy and I love listening to his insights.

Jared was baptized on March 29, 2009. It was kind of cool having Jared baptized on Sunday. It seemed like it was the perfect ending to the Sabbath Day. I asked him if he had any special thoughts and his thoughts were: "What if the water is too cold, what if the water is too hot, what if my hair sticks up." Very Jared. His Dad baptized him, Seth gave a talk on baptism, Hayley sang a special song, Uncle John talked on the Holy Ghost and gave him a cool flashlight, and we were surrounded by family and friends. It was great!